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Ahuja AWM 700U2 UHF Wireless Microphone
Ahuja ABW 400UL Wireless Microphone for camera outdoor shoot
Studiomaster XR 40HH UHF Wireless microphone
Ahuja AWM 800U2 Premium & Very High Quality Dual UHF Wireless Microphone
Ahuja ABW 400UH Wireless Microphone for camera outdoor shoot
Ahuja AWM 700UHL UHF Wireless Microphone
Studiomaster XR 40HL UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster ZT 22 UHF Dual headworn Wireless Microphone with inbuilt Rechargeable batteries
Studiomaster XR 100 HCL UHF Wireless microphone (2Hand+1Collar+1Table Microphones)
Studiomaster XR 100 4H UHF Wireless microphone (Four Hand Microphones)
Studiomaster XR 80HH UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster NT 60L UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster XR 100 4L UHF Wireless microphone (4 Collar Microphones)
Studiomaster XR 80LL UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster XR 80HL UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster XR 20L UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster XR 100 4C UHF Wireless microphone (4 Table/Conference Microphones)
Studiomaster XR 100 2HL UHF Wireless microphone (2 Hand+2 Collar Microphones)
Studiomaster XR 20C UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster BR 28/BM 28 Wireless microphone
Studiomaster XR 40CC UHF Wireless microphone with 2 Conference Mic
Studiomaster XR 40HC UHF Wireless microphone
Ahuja AWM 700UL UHF Wireless Microphone
Studiomaster NT 60H UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster NT 50H UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster TR 47L Premium Wireless microphone
Studiomaster TR 47H Premium UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster XR 20H UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster BR 48/BM 48/BL 48 UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster BR 48/BM 48/BM 48 UHF Wireless microphone
Studiomaster BR 28/BL 28 Wireless microphone
Ahuja AWM 700UH UHF Wireless Microphone